When the user answers the call

"Hello, this is [TEAM LEAD FIRST NAME] calling from [CLIENT] Live Support on a Recorded Line, am I speaking with [USER FULL NAME]? I'm calling in regard to [ISSUE]. Do you have time at the moment for us to [discuss this OR troubleshoot the issue] with me?"

User says it's not a good time

"Apologies, is there another time during your work hours that I can call back?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not available at the time you mentioned, what about [suggest a time closest to what they proposed]?"

User explains the issue as soon as you greet them and sounds frustrated:

"I completely understand the frustration, apologies for the inconvenience. I would be happy to look into this with you and work on a solution."

You need more time to find/provide resolution/instructions to the user:


"Let me gather as much information from you and I will send you an email with further information to guide you with images."

Troubleshooting did not resolve or if the issue needs escalation:


"Thank you for attempting troubleshooting with me! I will escalate this to the [CLIENT] Administrators for further assistance/processing. We will reach out to you with updates via email."

Note: This is a good time to confirm the best email address and ask them to provide any information that the Admins may need so you can escalate it as soon as possible.

User is not tech-savvy

When you're asking probing questions, but their answers are not descriptive and they're not able to follow your instructions. Our last resort can be GoTo Meeting:

"Thank you for attempting troubleshooting with me via phone call. To best assist you with reaching a resolution to your issue, I would like to share my screen with you so I can best advise you on the next troubleshooting steps. In order to share my screen, we will need to schedule a virtual meeting. Would you like that?"

"Great! Could you please confirm what would be a good time for us to continue with troubleshooting? I will just need a moment to set up the meeting, and provide you with the link and instructions to join - but if you prefer to schedule for another day, that is completely fine."

Note: Since we have government clients and may have not yet discussed with them regarding permission to see the user's screens, it's best that we share ours instead. This can be more helpful than screenshots as we will be also speaking with them.

User is frustrated and asks for a timeframe:

When the user is frustrated that issue will be escalated to the admins and asks for a resolution timeframe

"We are sorry for the inconvenience [USER's FIRST NAME]. With regard to your question, it normally takes 24-48 hours for an update from the Administrators, depending on the queue of requests as the requests are processed in the order in which they are entered into the queue."

Other Notes/Scripts:


In the event you have to clarify incorrect information that was previously given to the user:

"I noticed you contacted Live Support earlier [TODAY/THIS WEEK, etc.] and wanted to apologize as the instructor did not provide you with the most up-to-date information. [PROVIDE CORRECT INFORMATION]"

If the user seems frustrated that they were given wrong information:

"Once again, sincere apologies for any inconvenience and confusion. We will follow up with the person you last spoke with regarding the up-to-date information but we wanted to ensure we reached out to you in a timely manner to provide further guidance."