Preparing for the Phone Call

  • Review the chat/ticket details carefully.
  • Check for any previous chat/tickets belonging to the user.
  • Keep the chats/tickets open so you can quickly refer to any details.
  • Locate the user's LMS account (if applicable).  
  • Gather as much information as possible before calling the user.

Scheduling the Call

  • Add an event to your Teams Calendar with the title 'Call user: TICKET ID#') so that you won't forget and will get a reminder 15 minutes prior.
  • Before calling, set yourself as 'Do Not Disturb' on Teams so you don't get any notifications sounds. 
  • You can prepare a script on the notes app and add in your name and the client's name so that you can quickly read/say and avoid mistakes like saying the wrong client's name, etc. Having the other scripts on hand also helps with being confident, responding quickly, and not sounding unsure.

Outgoing Call

What to say? Not a script as long as you do the following:

  • Greet the user.
  • State your FIRST NAME only, which [CLIENT LMS] Live Support you're with, and that you're on a RECORDED LINE.
  • Confirm who you're speaking with.
  • Recap the issue/inquiry/request from the chat/ticket for confirmation.
  • Ask if they have time to discuss/troubleshoot the matter.

Example: "Hello! My name is Brian and I am calling from AACN Learn Center Live Support on a recorded line. Am I speaking to John Doe? [USER RESPONDS]. Thank you, I am calling regarding [ISSUE/INQUIRY/REQUEST]. To confirm I correctly understand your issue [RECAP]. [USER RESPONDS]. Thank you for confirming, are you available now to discuss the [ISSUE/INQUIRY/REQUEST]?"

  • If the user has time, proceed with assisting the user. If not, ask the user to provide a date and time that is more convenient for the call. 

Call Handling

  • Be courteous and polite.
  • Be an active listener with all users. Users may interrupt you, give them the time to explain/respond/vent before responding.
  • Ask questions for clarification and to be sure that you know what they are exactly asking.
  • Keep the user informed when you are researching the issue. 
  • Take notes during the call. Gather any information that may have been missing from the chat/ticket.
  • Advise of the steps that will be taken to address the issue/inquiry/request. 


  • If we are unable to do something for them (such as marking a course complete), explain that to the user and let them know what steps you are taking to address the said issue. 

  • If escalated to admin, let the user know that Live Support will update him/her when we receive an update from either Live Support or the administrators (depending on the SOP for the client).  

  • Do not give exact turnaround dates for resolutions regarding admins.

After Phone Call

  • Save notes in the ticket as a Private Note.
  • Send a follow-up email to the user with a brief recap of what was discussed and of the steps that will be taken to address the issue/inquiry/request.
  • Avoid closing out the ticket until the issue is resolved. 
  • Keep everything in the same ticket, if possible.

User does not Answer the Phone Call!

If a user does not answer a phone call, we try calling them for a second time (5 minutes later). If there's still no response after the second call, leave a voicemail. What to say? Not a script as long as you do the following:

  • State your first name and that you're with [CLIENT LMS] Live Support.
  • State who are trying to reach.
  • Recap the issue/inquiry/request from the chat/ticket.
  • Advise them that they can contact us again (either chat/ticket/phone for further assistance or to reschedule the call).

Example: "Hello! My name is Brian and I am calling from AACN Learn Center Live Support. I'm attempting to reach John Doe with regards to [RECAP]. You may contact us via the AACN Learn Center Live Support portal, we have 3 channels you can request for assistance: chat, email, and phone support. If you'd like a callback, kindly provide a date and time that we can best reach you."

  • Try to keep the voicemail as short as possible as there is a time limit for voicemails.
  • If possible, send a follow-up email as well. State that you attempted to call and mention the avenues of support the user can contact us for further assistance.
Additional Information

Users may not state what the issue is, so you'd have to ask the user to describe the issue before assisting further.

Example: "Hello! My name is Brian and I am calling from AACN Learn Center Live Support on a recorded line. We received a voicemail from you on [DATE] requesting a phone call. We're following up to see how we may be of assistance. Would you be able to provide me with a description of the issue/inquiry/request?"