Specialist Notes:

Please use this SR when manually processing a user's login request. Please enter the user's password in the $Password[USERSLASTNAME]24 format. Kindly ensure that you are replacing the [USERSLASTNAME] field with the user's last name and remove the brackets. 

Standard Response:

Thank you for contacting Live Support!

We apologize for the difficulties you've experienced with your login. We have reset your password as requested. Kindly use the following login credentials to access your account:

Login URL

Password: $Password[USERSLASTNAME]24 (There are no spaces in the password.)

***NOTE: Once you log in with the temporary password sent to you, you will be prompted to create a new password as it will say it's expired. We do NOT recommend that you copy and paste login credentials. This can cause unnecessary spaces to be copied, which can result in a failed login. Kindly be sure to type in your login credentials carefully as they are shown so as to have a successful login.***

Should you need further assistance with any issue or inquiry, feel free to contact us. We are more than happy to assist.

Have a great day!