Specialist Notes:


Cached data is files, images, scripts and other media files stored on your devices by a website or app. Data is stored on your devices in a reserved space, so the next time when you are visiting the app or website, information is already available. By clearing cache, you care deleting the files, images, scripts, and other media files as well as all settings that go along with the site/system. You're basically starting that website or app over, from scratch, and it'll behave as it did the first time you accessed it. 



Zoom allows a user to increase or decrease their browser view to enhance or reduce their content. Adjusting zoom can allow a user to see the course window in its entirety. We often see users stating they are not seeing the ‘NEXT’ button. By adjusting zoom to 90%, it allows them to see the ‘NEXT’ button. Older users can have their zoom set at 110% which may hide some of the course content. 



Requesting for a screenshot provides insight to a user’s issue. For Example: 

Course Progress Issue – Screenshots can help identify if a user has not fully completed a slide/content or if the ‘NEXT’ button is not available/missing.  

Course Completion Issue – A screenshot showing the last slide of the course can be used as proof of completion in the event the issue persists (Should be sent as an attachment when escalating a course completion issue/request). It can also show if the user has more slides/content to complete.  



Some courses may not move to completion until a required score is not achived. You can often identify if a course requires a passing score by looking at the course details or on the first page of the course. Based on the passing score required, we can check the user's transcript to see if they achieved a passing score. 



If access to courses is available, test the course to replicate the issue (You can test the course using the same browser as the user). Testing the courses can also identify if there is an issue with the course (which is also possible) or if the user missed content in the course. 



Some clients allow us to proxy into a user's account. While we are able to do so, we do it with caution and only with intent to view the user's progress. We are not permitted to may make changes or complete a course for a user. Proxy can often identify the cause of the issue. Based on our findings, we can relay to the user how to navigate/complete a course. For example, some users may have difficulty progressing through a course because they may have overlooked clicking on a button. 

Standard Response: